About Me

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Im a critic, one of the best. Why? Because I can ask the question and play both ends to get the best answer. The Devils Advocate. Im a artist, a Connoisseur of varied subjects. Im a great thinker firm debater. Knowledge Skill and proficiencies in many areas of expertise and studies. Im a strategist and tactician by nature always looking for the angles plots schemes and alter motives and ambitions. But above all Im a sharp shooting trouble shooter. One of the best. This isn't just me speaking, My ego will confirm every single word. As well as numerous individuals who know me.

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    Saturday, May 16, 2009

    After some time spent.

    OK so I think I done for now. Figured a few things out. Made some changes OK. Now what. Well. On witf it. ( In a slightly ill fated British accent). There's more that needs to be done. What Ive come to learn is that blogging is not as easy as it seems or even as simple for that matter. I tend to see blogger's as very talented people. Why you might ask. Because it take some sort of talent to express your self in any medium. let alone one that will gain criticism and be available for scrutiny. I tend to think of them as Journalist I would say. In some way they are because the thought for me had always been that in order to blog and be good at it you must have to know how to write really well or be in the journalism field. I mean why else would people just randomly do it. Then I being to realize that its something much more. In fact blogging isn't so simple. So back on track now after seeing that the track or path I took was a good one. I set out to make a blog in order to make myself learn how to do other things. Forced learning kinda like tricking myself. Here we go Now." On witf it"

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